as in heaven, so on earth.
Hello family!
Welcome to our ministry website. Our names are David and Yana Wiesner. We are both missionaries and very soon the Lead Pastors of Awakening Church in Mannheim. We’re passionate about the Gospel and the power that it has to transform lives, nations and the entire world. We burn to see people encountering the one true living God in His fullness and them walking in their full identity as sons and daughters.
We believe that the Apostles are our forerunners in whose footsteps we can walk in today and the book of Acts was just the beginning of what we, as His church, are called to continue today. We believe that it’s time for a new revival in Europe and the world and to see the glory of God and Heaven manifested on the Earth.
David & Yana
We are becoming Pastors …
Dear friends, We have very exciting news and we're so excited to finally tell you! While you are reading and listening to what we're about to step into, we would like to ask you to prayerfully consider if this is something you would like to sow and invest into. We got...
Invite us
Help us fuel revival
To make all of this work, we’re dependent on God’s provision. We want to invite you to partner with what God wants to do through us to advance the Kingdom of Heaven and to pastor a church. There are and will be a lot of living expenses that we need to cover by ourselves. At the moment, David is still working part-time on the side, but we are hoping and praying for him to be fully released in full-time ministry again. If you have it on your heart to partner with us financially, we would be grateful beyond words. We have more information about our Kingdom-Investor-Program for you here:
Take a glimpse at our life
Help us fuel revival! ❤️
If you have it on our heart to help make all our work possible and sow and invest into what God is calling us to do, then this is a great opportinty for you! If you want to know more about your partner program, you can simply click here: