
Hey there,

First of all thank you so much for coming to this page and considering partnering with us. Down below we have some helpful information if you want to know more about our partner program called “Kingdom Investor”.

What are we doing?

We are a part of Awakening Europe Ministry and going to be the lead pastors of our new church in Mannheim. The need in this city for burning churches is immense. We’ve heard that there’s a huge satanistic community in the city that we want to reach amongst many university students, a big muslim community and other groups of people. We have a big heart for the local church, as well as for the nations. We burn to see people encountering the one true living God in His fullness and them walking in their full identity as sons and daughters. We want to see nations, tribes and people transformed by the power of the blood of Jesus.

Take a glimpse at our lives here!

How do we us the finances?

One of the things that is most important for us in setting up this partners program is transparency and honesty. Your support will enable us to help cover our living expenses (rent, food, gas, bills and personal needs/wants) in order for us to live here in Germany and do what we’re doing.
On top of that, it also enables us to travel to the nations, going on mission trips and investing into others.

What benefits do you have as a partner?

If you’re deciding to become one of our partners and to support us on a regular basis, we would love to give you something back and to say thank you. We don’t want to specifically offer prayer or ministry because that is something we want to give to everyone that asks. We believe that freely we received, freely we give.
BUT there are a few things we would love to give and stay connected by:

  • Be apart of our exclusive Kingdom-Investor WhatsApp Group to stay up to date and connected with us personally 
  • Get a personal Christmas gift from us to say thank you
  • Kingdom-Investor Zoom-Calls where we wanna share personally from our heart

Or if you would like to give to us a one-time gift or through other methods, here are our bankdetails and paypal:

David Wiesner
IBAN: DE21 2004 1155 0171 3064 00

Take a glimpse at our life
